Smooth skin, minimize wrinkles.
Using a light-based procedure to reveal healthy and younger looking skin.

What is Laser Resurfacing?
Laser skin resurfacing uses LASER light technology to reverse the visible effects of aging, allowing you to look as young as you feel.

How the process works?
TLASER resurfacing slowly heats the skin to promote new collagen growth and new layers of healthy, rejuvenated skin. The treatment targets age-related changes and sun damage; for example, wrinkles and fine lines, rough textured skin, darks spots and discoloration.
What issues does a Fraxel treatment correct?
- Wrinkles and fine lines – like crow’s feet, forehead and brow lines
- Age-related Changes – large pores, prominent oil glands, lax skin
- Sun Damage
- Pigmentation – age spots, liver spots, melasma
- Scars – as from acne, surgery, burns, trauma
What are the treatment options?
- Fraxel DUAL LASER – one of the most common resurfacing LASERS on the market, it can be used for most conditions and on most skin types
- Palomar Icon – a more aggressive approach to skin resurfacing

The most common treatment questions answered.
What is the downtime?
Downtime depends on aggressiveness of the treatment and can vary from a few days to up to 2 weeks.
What ages may receive treatment?
Laser treatment is available for all ages and any skin color.
Are there any side effects?
The most common side effects are redness, swelling, and peeling of the skin.